


Beyond Connections, Building Lasting Relationships


Professional networking has always been a cornerstone of career development, but with the advent of digital technology, its forms and functions have evolved. The digital transformation, accelerated by the global pandemic, has redefined networking methods, underscoring the increased importance of weaving and maintaining professional relationships online.

The Current Landscape of Online Networking

According to a HubSpot survey (2021), 85% of professionals say that online networking is more important than ever. This new era of networking demands not just a strategy, but also an authentic and engaging online presence.

Developing an Authentic Online Presence

The foundation of any successful online networking strategy lies in building a strong and authentic digital presence. According to LinkedIn, complete profiles with a professional photo can receive up to 14 times more views than those without a photo. However, beyond the numbers, authenticity is key. Telling your professional journey in a way that resonates with your potential network creates a memorable and trustworthy first impression.

Key Strategies for Effective Networking


Quality Over Quantity:

 It’s tempting to add contacts in bulk to expand your network, but a targeted approach is often more effective. A study by the MIT Sloan Management Review emphasizes the importance of building “bridges” between different networks to facilitate access to diverse information and opportunities.

Active Engagement in Professional Communities:

Actively participating in LinkedIn groups or specialized forums not only keeps you informed of the latest trends in your industry but also demonstrates your expertise and professional commitment. Relevant and regular contributions are often rewarded with increased recognition within these communities.

Sharing Valuable Content:

Creating and sharing original content or curating relevant content can greatly increase your online visibility. A Buffer study (2020) showed that posts containing statistics or original data attract more engagement, highlighting the importance of adding value to your network.

Maintaining and Strengthening Online Professional Relationships

In the art of online networking, it’s not just about expanding your network, but also maintaining and strengthening those connections. Here are some key strategies.

Regular Follow-ups:

Take time each week to catch up with your old connections. A simple message to catch up or discuss the latest trends can rekindle valuable relationships.

Managing International Contacts:

Use tools to keep track of your contacts across countries and manage time zone differences. This shows that you are organized and respectful of everyone’s time.


Be authentic in your interactions. Meaningful professional relationships are built on truth and trust, not false pretenses.


Encourage collaboration among your contacts. Connecting professionals with complementary interests or needs can lead to fruitful partnerships.


In today’s digital world, online networking is an art that requires thoughtfulness, authenticity, and ongoing engagement. Technologies and social platforms offer unprecedented opportunities for connection and collaboration. By adopting a strategic approach and valuing authentic relationships, professionals can fully leverage the potential of online networking to advance their careers. For those keen to deepen their online networking technique and stay at the forefront of professional trends, consulting specialized publications and participating in dedicated webinars can offer valuable insights and opportunities for personal and professional enrichment.





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